Category Archives: Indian







What we need:

1 1/2 Chicken breast cut in cubes

1  red and  1 green pepper

2 large onions, cut in big cubes

400 gr of chopped tomatoes

fresh coliander to garnish

2 tbls Mandras paste

2 tbls  of  Garam masala powder

2 tbls of hot Mandras powder

1 tbls of turmeric

1 tbls of cumin powder

pepper or chilli powder,according to how spicy you prefer

salt to taste.IMAG0644

3-4 tbls of veg,oil for frying



In a non stick frying pan with 2  tbls  of oil, we stir fry the chicken just to reduce some of its juice.

Empty the chicken in bowl, clean the pan,add the rest of the oil, then add  the onions,stir fry for a minute and then put the peppers.Stir for another minute and add all the spices,stir  for another  two minutes,add the Mandras paste and add the tomatoes, let them simmer for a few minutes  end add the chicken, some water( not a lot) and adjust flavor to your taste.

You can serve with pasmati or long grain rice.

If you like spicy dishes you will love this.IMAG0645




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