Category Archives: BBQ

Sheftalia Cyprus Traditional Sausage









What we need:
1 kilo of  pork or lamp mince meatDSC00049
1 egg
4 large onions, finely chopped
1 cup of finely chopped parsley
salt, pepper and cinnamon  to taste
1 tbsp dry mint
caul fat. ( Caul fat is a thin edible membrane from the intestines of an animal, you have to either order it from your butcher or you can find it frozen).

How to make your sheftalia:DSC00053

Combine mince meat, onions, parsley, egg and seasoning in a large bowl. Use you hands to mix well.

Lay the caul fat on a chopping board , take some of the mixture and role into an oval shape ( about 3 inches long) and place it at the corner of the caul, role and fold inn with your fingers until cover at least twice.( sometimes the caul fat is very thin so you have to role your sheftalia even three times)DSC00055

You can BBQ your sheftalia or you can grill  will take about 10-15-20  minutes to cook, it depends how big your sheftalia are.

You can serve them in pitta bread with salad (parsley,onion,tomatoes and cucumber )

You can also serve them with chips, Greek salad and tzatziki.

Enjoy them!!! and KALY OREKSI !!!DSC00063